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How can I use New Mentions to find new brand advocates to work with?
How can I use New Mentions to find new brand advocates to work with?

Psst...someone is talking about you! Don't miss out on new mentions.

Pei Dhanaporn Choong avatar
Written by Pei Dhanaporn Choong
Updated over a week ago

The New Mentions tool within Creator Discovery allows you to find (and add βž•) influencers who have recently mentioned your brand, but aren't currently being followed in your account.

How it works

The software collects social media posts that mention your brand within Tribe Dynamics' panel of influencers. When a creator that you're not tracking posts content about you, they'll be added to your New Mentions feed in Creator Discovery, where their profiles will be available for you to review for 28 days. This lets you see the latest mentions about your brand that you might have missed. This is especially helpful for Instagram Story mentions since we'll be able to give you additional time to view and evaluate these mentions beyond the first 24 hours the post is live on the Instagram app.

Adding these influencers to your account, responding to their content promptly, and nurturing the relationship can help your brand sustain an always-on strategy for growing your brand community.

πŸ“ Note: New Mentions are designed to help you cut through the noise and only surface high-potential posts and Creators. To qualify a post, the software will automatically filter for content that:

  • Was published by a panel influencer (i.e., a creator that has been identified as relevant to the influencer marketing field in your region)

  • Was posted in the last 28 days

  • Has earned more than $200 in EMV

  • Has average, or higher than average, engagement than we would expect of an influencer of this following size on this channel (i.e., no underperforming content)

  • Was published by an influencer that hasn't been declined by you (or someone on your team) more than once

How you can use it

Start by navigating to the New Mentions page in your Creator Discovery Tab. Just as you can for your community's content, you'll be able to view metrics on how each post is performing and the overall potential that these new mentions currently represent for your brand:

You'll notice that you can toggle between:

  • Grid - optimal for those brands that prefer to evaluate their influencers based on specific pieces of content (e.g., high engagement on one standout post)

  • List - optimal for those brands that prefer to evaluate their influencers based on a more holistic view of the performance they drive for your brand (e.g., average EMV per post, channel-level engagement rate).

Regardless of whether you are viewing the Grid or List, you can take action on the information provided in two ways:

  1. Skip for Now: This option removes the influencer and their content from your New Mentions page. If the same influencer creates more content about your brand in the future, we'll resurface them in the feed. Your team will have the option to decline the same influencer twice before they no longer surface in your account.

  2. Follow: This option adds the Creator Profile to the influencer database you are tracking in your account to track their content and source them for future activations. If you notice that the Creator would be an excellent match for an active Campaign, you can also select 'Follow & Add to Campaign.'

All creators you add to your dashboard from this feed will be automatically tagged with "from discover," so you can easily recall the influencers you've added through this page. For example, try filtering for "Tags" is any of "from discover" in your Creators list to retrieve all the profiles you added to your database via New Mentions within the last 7 days.

πŸ’‘ Tip: If you're looking to save time while reviewing your New Mentions, don't forget to use the filters to quickly "jump" to the Creators who meet your brand's qualification criteria, such as Audience Location, Follower Count, and Post EMV requirements. Learn more about our filters here.

What's next?

Within Your Community's Creators list, find all the creators you followed through the New Mentions feed using the assigned Tag. Next, introduce yourself, your brand, and your products to spark a relationship with your new fans. Here are some thought-starters:

  1. Reach out via email or direct message to collect their mailing address

  2. Mail them your brand's hero products or a product they've mentioned in recent content

  3. Track these newly discovered Creators using Campaigns to see who converts into a true brand advocate!

Additional Reading:

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