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Does Tribe Dynamics pull in brand mentions from hashtags?
Does Tribe Dynamics pull in brand mentions from hashtags?

Learn more about we handle the various ways that influencers might mention your brand using a hashtag.

Pei Dhanaporn Choong avatar
Written by Pei Dhanaporn Choong
Updated over a week ago

Aside from @-mentions of your brand, you're probably encouraging influencers to use creative branded hashtags like #ShareACoke, #TrippinWithTarte, or #RevolveAroundTheWorld.
Hashtags that incorporate the brand name are automatically pulled into your dashboard, and count towards your performance in Competitive Insights. The examples listed above fall into this category.

Hashtags that are commonly associated with a brand but do not include a brand name can be tracked in your account through a campaign, but do not contribute to your Competitive Insights performance. Examples of this second category are hashtags like #WellTravelled and #HereToCreate; while these may be used in content about your brand, they are not considered brand-specific.

Hashtag Paragraphs

One case that we may handle differently is that of trailing hashtags; we define trailing hashtags as a list of 10 or more hashtags at the end of a post. These brand and product hashtags are commonly included to boost discoverability, and are often unrelated to the actual content of the posts themselves. In fact, 98% of posts containing trailing hashtags do not contain authentic mentions of the tagged brands.Β 

To help brands accurately measure meaningful content generated by their community, our software will disregard the information that is contained within the section of consecutive hashtags. For example, the below post would not be counted as a brand mention for Shiseido, Jimmy Choo, or Chanel:

To help keep your Community's Content feed relevant, posts that mention your brand in trailing hashtags are automatically archived in your dashboard.

Unarchiving Posts

If you would like to reverse any automatically archived posts, you can make use of the "Archived Status [is true]" filter to pull up this content:

And proceed to search for and unarchive any content that you would like to keep using the Unarchive button:

🚨 Note: even if these posts are unarchived and added to a campaign in your dashboard, they won't be included in the performance reported on your Competitive Insights page. The above exclusion doesn't apply to posts that still tag or mention your brand outside of the trailing hashtag section.

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